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Auckland Zen Centre
Affiliated with the Rochester Zen Center. Offers regular sittings and workshops.
Nelson: Maitai Zendo
Offers weekly zazen and regurar retreats, sesshins, and dokusan. Diamond Sangha affiliate.
Zazen in New Zealand
Information about sitting groups in Nelson, Dunedin, Christchurch, and Wellington.
Zen Centers of New Zealand
Complete list of all New Zealand Zen centers.
Zen Institute of New Zealand
National non-residential Zen Buddhist training organization associated with the Society of Mountains and Rivers (SMR), an international society of Zen Buddhist Centers that are part of the Mountains and Rivers Order (MRO). The spiritual leader of the order is John Daido Loori, Roshi, abbot of Zen Mountain Monastery. ZENZ members meet regularly for zazen, intensive retreats, and other activities throughout New Zealand, and provide Zen training and guidance for all persons interested in the practice of Zen Buddhism. ZENZ also publishes the White Cloud Zen Journal. Centers in Temuka, Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington, Auckland.