english deutsch
Association Zen Internationale
A Critical Review of the International Zen Associa, A Critical Review of the International Zen Associa
Apology for What the Founder of the Sanbo-Kyodan,
Apology by Jiun Kubota, The 3rd Patriarch of the Religious Foundation Sanbo-kyodan, repenting the support of Japanese aggression in World War II by Sanbo-Kyodan and its founder.
Coming Down from the Zen Clouds
A critique of the current state of American Zen. By Stuart Lachs.
Dharma Is Free
A short essay criticizing tendency for Zen groups to charge high fees for Zen retreats.
Zen Holy War?
Review of the book, Zen at War, an expose of Japanese Zen establishment and its relationship to the imperial war machine from the late 1800's through World War II.