english deutsch
Diamond Sangha
Constellation of Zen Buddhist centers and associations in Argentina, Australia, New Zealand and USA. The first and founding Diamond Sangha group was established in Hawaii, USA in 1959 by Robert and Anne Aitken in a living room of their Hawaii house as part of the Harada-Yasutani School of Zen (also known as Sanbo Kyodan, or Order of the Three Treasures).
Harada-Yasutani School
Also known as the Sanbo Kyodan school.
Mountain and Rivers Order
An organization of associated Zen Buddhist temples, practice centers and sitting groups. Founded by Abbot, John Daido Loori Roshi. The mainhouse of the order is Zen Mountain Monastery. The order also operates Dharma Communications, a media company supplying resources for home practice. Groups of students around the world are joined in the MRO training program through the Society of Mountains and Rivers.
Sanbô Kyôdan Official Site
A Zen Buddhist school started by Yasutani Haku'un Roshi.
White Plum Asanga
An organization of Zen teachers in the lineage of Hakuyu Taizen Maezumi. The purpose of the White Plum Asanga is to provide support for students and teachers in the White Plum lineage.
Zen and the Way of the New Religions
An essay detailing the history and practice of the Sanbo Kyodan school of Zen.
Zen Peacemaker Community
A community of peacemakers, founded by Roshi Bernie Glassman and Sensei Sandra Jishu Holmes, practicing a vision of peace through meditation and the Three Core Tenets, the Zen Peacemaker Order provides an environment for the realization and actualization of peacemaking and the enlightened way.