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An Exploration: The Personal Homesite of Daniel Tr
A large selection of links, writings, and resources in regard to Zen and Chan Buddhism.
Awakening 101
An excellent online course on the mystical experience. It begins with the premise that Enlightenment is outside the scriptures. The broad range of links available on various descriptions of "Zen" experience is very useful.
Ch'an Buddhism and the Prophetic Poems of Wil
An essay discussing the relation between William Blake's poetry and Zen.
Is Zen A Religion?
A philosophical essay
Logical Meanderings between West and East.
A comparison of Aristotle, Nagarjuna and Bhaskar.
On Zen Language and Paradoxes
A philosophical analysis of Zen koans by John King-Farlow.
Religion of the Samurai: A Study of Zen Philosophy
1913 classic book by Kaiten Nukariya. Complete online book.
Semantics And Zen
An essay on how the methods of General Semantics and Zen complement one another.
The Zen philosopher: A review article on Dogen sch
The nature and importance of Dogen's thought as representative of the philosophical structure of Zen Buddhism.
Truth and Zen
A comparison of the Aristotilian view of truth and Zen's view.
Tsung-Mi and the single word "awareness"
by Peter N. Gregory, from Philosophy East and West.
Zen Philosophy
A brief introduction to Zen thought.