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Archive of Dharma Talks from The Village Zendo
"Tireless Lotus", "On Anger", "On Faithmind", "Medicine and Sickness"
Bathing a Newborn Buddha
By Thich Nhat Hanh. "No boundary exists between the sacred and the profane."
Dharma Discources by Kobun Chino Otagawa Roshi
Abbot of Jikoji (Los Gatos, CA), Hokoji (Taos, New Mexico) and Kaikyoshi of the Soto School in the USA.
Dharma Discourses from Zen Mountain Monastery
A Dharma Discourse or Dharma Talk is a presentation of a traditional Zen koan - an apparently paradoxical statement that challenges who we think we are, what the nature of the reality is, and what the true activity of our life is. Discourses by Abbot John Daido Loori, Bonnie Myotai Treace Sensei, and Geoffrey Shugen Arnold Sensei.
Dharma Talks by Ch'an Master Hsing Yung
Buddhist Perspective on Cause and Condition; Buddhist Perspective on Time and Space; Buddhism's View on Deeds and Behaviors; Buddhism's View on the Wheel of Rebirth; Buddhism for the Perfection of This Life.
Dharma Talks by Gilbert Gutierrez, Riverside Ch&ap
Large number of talks by Gilbert Gutierrez, who has studied and practiced meditation for over twenty five years and is a student of Venerable Ch'an Master Sheng-yen. Many of the articles have a particularly Ch'an (Zen) flavor while others are more general in their approach to Buddhist principles and practice.
Dharma Talks by P'arang Geri Larkin
Given at Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple.
Dharma Talks by Taigen Dan Leighton
Given at Mountain Source Sangha.
Dharma Talks from Hakun-un-ji Zen Center
"Posture and Kinhin", "Creative Tension".
Dharma Talks from Sweetwater Zen Center
By Anne Seisen Saunders: "Not Knowing is Most Intimate," "The Path is Through Your Self," "If You Practice You Will See It," "The Flower of No Separation." By Taizan Maezumi, Roshi "Life and Death."
Dharma Talks from the Albuquerque Zen Center
Taking Refuge, Mindfulness, Faith in Everyday Practice, Shin (Heart or Mind), Sitting Practice, Our Nature, Self and No-self, Peace of Mind.
Dharma Talks from the Clouds in Water Zendo
What is Zen?; Remembering the Heart, Transforming Fear; The Call of the Whip-Or-Will.
Dharma Talks of Korean Seon (Zen) Masters
Talks by Seon Master Hye Am Sunim, Seon Master Seung Shan, Seon Master Tansung Sunim, Seon Master Nock Won, Seon Master Won Dam,Seon Master Byuk Ahm,Seon Master Chung Han, Seon Master Kwan Eung, Seon Master Ilta, Seon Master Seung Su, Seon Master Do Chon, and Seon Master Bi Rong.
By Thich Nhat Hanh.
Introduction to Zen
By Rev. Denko-San. "Zazen is something that evolves all the time, and basically, if you want to get anywhere with Zen training you just have to sit down and see what happens, see what zazen is today. Tomorrow it's something else. The next day it's something else, next year it's something else. It grows and evolves."
Love & Marriage: Zen Buddhist Reflections
A dharma talk on Buddhist marriage, by James Ishmael Ford, Sensei.
Nonin Chowaney's Dharma Talks
Dharma Talks given by Nonin Chowaney of the Nebraska Zen Center. "Cooking the Soup", "Emptying Your Cup", "Everyday is a Good Day", "Intimacy", "Karma", "Purifying the Mind", "Putting Our Burden Down" and "Renunciation".
On Questioning
Questioning as the core of Zen
On the Heart Sutra
A talk by Sojun Mel Weitsman, Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center.
Talks by Les Kaye
Compassion without Politics, Everyone is Lovable, Non-achievement, Walking past the candy store, On Suzuki Roshi.
Talks by Nomon Tim Burnett
Tim Burnett has been a student of Zoketsu Norman Fischer since 1987 when he was a resident at San Francisco Zen Center's Green Gulch Farm.
Talks by Zoketsu Norman Fischer
Zoketsu Norman Fischer teaches at the Everyday Zen Foundation.
Talks on Zen Practice and Meditation
Talks on Zen practice and meditation by American Soto Zen teachers in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki, Roshi
Teachings of Chan Patriarch Hsuan Hua
Talks and commentaries on sutras.
The Future of the Zen Sangha in the West
Talk by Ishmael Ford, Sensei.
The Way of Zazen, by Shodo Harada Roshi
"If you then continue to practice zazen day after day, kensho will be realized as certainly as you hit the ground when you strike at it. Put everything you have into it."
The Zen Project
Large collection of Zen talks by various Zen teachers.
Training story for the month
Trevor Leggett's Web site provides information about the books of Trevor Leggett on the subjects of Upanshadic yoga, Zen and Budo. Trevor Leggett's books also cover Judo and Shogi.
Venerable Master Kyung-Ho's Inspirational Tal
Master Kyung-Ho (1849-1912 CE) is considered one of the most significant Korean Son teachers of the modern era.
Vien Giac Buddhist Temple's list of teachings
20+ dharma talks
The audio streaming site of Dharma Communications, is an original webcast of talks by teachers of the Mountains and Rivers Order.
Zen Center of Los Angeles, Dharma Talk Archives
A large collection of talks given at ZCLA.
Zen in America
By Sojun Mel Weitsman.