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180 Questions and Answers about Zen from Master De
On questions regarding the middle way, ego, karma, illusions, attachement, helping others, good and evil, death, modern civilization, everyday life, Christianity, consciousness, impermanence, here and now, satori, practice, zazen, posture, and tradition.
Frequently Asked Questions from alt.zen
Lecture On Zen
by Alan Watts
The Kyosaku Explained
The Kyosaku is a blow on the shoulder with the light stick carried by a Zen priest during meditation.
What is Zen?
A Brief Explanation by Eido Tai Shimano Roshi Abbot of The Zen Studies Society
What is Zen? by Mel Ash
What is Zen, and what isn't. How Zen can help in daily life.
Wikipedia: Seon
Extensively cross-indexed article on the Korean form of Zen.
Zen -- Excerpt from The Tao of Physics
"Zen is a unique blend of the philosophies and idiosyncrasies of three different cultures. It is a way of life which is typically Japanese, and yet it reflects the mysticism of India, the Taoists' love of naturalness and spontaneity and the thorough pragmatism of the Confucian mind."
Zen Frequently Asked Questions
An introduction to Zen
Zen Guide
An attractively presented online introduction to Zen. Resource intensive; may crash your browser.