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eVinaya, Vinaya Pitaka
Buddhism and Medical Ethics
A bibliographic introduction.
Buddhism and Respect for Parents
Extensive sutra analysis of Buddha's teaching on respecting one's parents.
Buddhist Economics: Adhering to Ethical Standards
Economics inspired by Dhamma would be concerned with how economic activities influence the entire process of cause and condition, which will essentially affect the three interconnected spheres of human existence: individual, society and nature or the environment.
Buddhist Morality
The basic concepts of Buddhist morality.
Buddhist Precepts
An explanation of the Precepts by Robert Aitken Roshi.
Consequences of Your Actions
Online Chinese Buddhist tract with simple illustrations of the moral consequences of actions.
Continuity and Change in the Economic Ethics of Bu
A paper in the Journal of Buddhist Ethics considering Buddhist values with regard to wealth and economic activity, either within society or within the sangha.
Criteria for Judging the Unwholesomeness of Action
Journal of Buddhist Ethics paper reviewing the role of ethics on the path in Theravāda texts and discussing the various criteria for distinguishing between gradations of wholesome and unwholesome actions, and considering the question of the relation between precept-taking and the moral worth of actions.
Cutting the Cat Into One: The Practice of the Bodh
Kai, jo, e. Sila or precepts, samadhi or complete practice, prajna or wisdom. Call them what you will, these are the basis and the ground of healthy practice. They are also the Path itself. And the results? Well, they are also kai, jo, and e.
Dhammic Socialism
We are inevitably and inescapably social beings who must live together in a form of society that gives priority to the ways we inter-relate, work together, and help each other solve the problems and dukkha of life. Thus, the principle of right relationship or right inter-relatedness is the heart of such a society -- and this means Socialism, which may differ from the understanding of political scientists and Marxists.
Economics in Buddhism
To live in this world, wealth is very essential. So everyone has to work for money as society depends on economics. But we should not regard wealth to be like a god. Trying to get wealth through right means is not wrong. Competition can be bad if it is directed by ulterior motives. But it is very helpful and effective concerning success and progress where the motive is good and correct. The man who has no selfish attachment to wealth is able to do a lot of things for society with wealth that was either accumulated by his own effort or inherited.
Golden Rules of Buddhism
The too prevalent ignorance among even adult Sinhalese Buddhists of the ethical code of their religion lead H.S. Olcott to issue this little compilation. It consists of quotes from Therevada sources on daily life, organized by topic.
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
An online academic electronic journal devoted to theoretical and applied issues in Buddhist ethics.
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
Journal that promotes the study of Buddhist ethics through the publication of research articles, discussions and critical notes, bulletins, and reviews.
The Law of Karma explained.
Karma Ghost
A cartoon about karma that seems to imply a kind of Newton's first law of ethics for every action, there is an equal and complementary response. A Sundance Film Festival winner.
Lay Morality
The Buddhist perspective of morality is given in a nutshell in the little Pali verse. "Sabba papassa akaranam - kusalassa upasampada sachitta pariyodapanam - etam buddhanu sasanam" "To keep away from all evil, cultivate good, and purify one's mind is the advice of all Buddhas."
Questions and Answers on Buddhist Moral Issues
Topics include: good and evil, marriage, divorce, birth control and abortion, suicide, war, military service, mercy killing, killing for self protection, stealing from the rich to feed the poor, extramarital sex, white lies, intoxicants.
Sila (virtue, moral conduct) is the cornerstone upon which the entire Noble Eightfold Path is built. The practice of sila is defined by the middle three factors of the Eightfold Path: Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood.
Sila -- Moral Conduct
Sila or moral conduct is the principle of human behaviour that promotes orderly and peaceful existence in a community. Rules of moral conduct are to be found in every religion. They may resemble other codes of conduct to a greater or lesser degree depending on the Teacher or religious system from which they originated. Usually they comprise lists of actions from which to abstain, implying that any actions not covered by the prohibitions are permissible. A good example is afforded by the five Silas (of Buddhism), namely to abstain from taking the life of sentient beings, to abstain from taking possession of anything that has not been given by its owner, to abstain from sexual misconduct, to abstain from lying or evil speech, and to abstain from intoxicating drinks which are a primary cause of negligence.
The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings
Fourteen precepts for moral living.
The Importance of Sila (Virtue)
"In order to practice meditation with any great success, one is required to practice sila."
The Meaning of Sin and Evil
"Buddhism has a completely satisfying answer to evil and sin. The Buddhist approach would be to question your "desire" to be without sin or evil, to look at the question itself. Why would you limit your life? To trap you into an experience that western language finds difficult to say directly. To direct your search to the real truth. Here our normal "logical" English language just breaks down. What is this "illogical" experience that is not linear and deductive? The answer is "There is - in fact - a life that can be experienced outside of the level of thinking." I call that the essential teaching of Buddhism."