english deutsch
Anglican Reformation
Cranmer, Thomas, An Anglican Timeline, Church of England, John Bradford: The Purposes of the Law and the Gos, Protestantism in England, Queen Elizabeth I of England: On Religion, Reformation: Protestant England, Robert Ferrar: Reformation Bishop and Martyr, The English Reformation, The English Reformation, The Thirty Nine Articles,
Catholic Reformation
Encyclopedia.Com - Catholic Reformation, Jesuit Spirituality, The Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, The Catholic Reformation, The Council of Trent, The Counter-Reformation, The strange career of Paisios Ligarides
Lutheran Reformation
Luther, Martin, Melanchthon, Philipp, 16th Century Lutheran and Orthodox Dialogue, Edges: Wittenberg, History of Protestantism, History of Protestantism, History of Protestantism, History of Protestantism, IBM DB2 Digital Library : Luther, Johann Valentin Andreae, Luther's Ghost in Spain (1517-1546), Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Brethren of the Common Life, Lef+¿vre dÔÇÖ+ëtaples, Jacques, John Huss and the Hussite Wars, Roots of the Protestant Reformation, The Northern Renaissance and the Background of the, The Pre Reformation Era, The Pre-Reformation Movements, Wicliffe and His Times
Radical Reformation
Anabaptist-Mennonite History, Biography: Balthasar Hübmaier 1480-1528), COB-Net Historical Notes: Menno Simons, Hall of Church History: the Anabaptists, History of the Moravian Church by J. E. Hutton, Mennonite Resolutions, Statements, and Confessions, Mennonites in Canada, Radical Reformation, Short Confession of Faith by John Smyth, The Amish
Reformed Reformation
Dutch, Eastern European, English, French, German, Scottish, Swiss, Calvinism in History, The Emergence and Development of the Reformed Chur
Catholic Encyclopedia: The Reformation
A sharply critical look at the causes, spread, forms, and results of the Reformation, from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia. N.B.: does not necessarily represent current Catholic views.
Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies
At University of Toronto. Includes publications, events, bibliography, and links.
Champions of Truth: The Reformation
Features PDF etexts of J.A. Wylie's "History of Protestantism, Vol. 1"; Hagstotz's "Heroes of the Reformation", M'Crie's "The Life of John Knox"; D'Aubigne's "The Protector"; Wilkinson's "Truth Triumphant".
Creeds of Christendom
Creeds and Confessions of various denominations. In the context of this category, see especially the Lutheran and Reformed listings.
Discovery and Reformation
Several articles that provide a good overview of the people and events of the period.
Fox's Book of Martyrs
Etext of book spanning all of Christian history, but centered on Protestant victims of persecution.
Fox's Book of Martyrs
Complete text, containing accounts of Protestant deaths in the 16th century.
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Illustrated 1583 version of John Foxe's final edition
Internet Modern History Sourcebook: Reformation Eu
Extensive collection of brief documents and excerpts; links.
Medieval Sourcebook: Reformation
Features links to primary documents.
PBS Faith and Reason: Reformation
Glossary definition: A term covering a number of changes in Western Christianity (Europe) between the 14th and 17th centuries, resulting in the split in Christianity between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.
On-site picture gallery of the people and places involved in various reform movements coupled with links to Lutheran and Protestant original texts and later writings.
Reformation Chronology:
A comparative chronology of the Magisterial Reformation and the Pre-Reformation.
Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Article emphasizing effects on architecture and the arts..
Reformation Europe
A comprehensive survey, with links to information about precursors of the Reformation, Luther, Calvin, English reformers and the Catholic Reformation.
Reformation History Timeline
A detailed timeline with pre-Reformation(before 1515), Reformation(1515-1563) and post-Reformation ( 1564-1689) sections.
Reformation Ink
Primary sources and some later references from Luther, plus Calvin, Beza, and other Reformed theologians, and links to other writings and later responses to the 16th-century reforms.
Reformation Timeline
List of important dates from pre-reformation times through the Synod of Dort in 1618. A smaller, more specific range of dates may be displayed.
Reformers of the 16th Century
A list of links to sites on Reformers of the 16th Century.
Renaissance and Reformation
E-text of book by William Gilbert.
The History of Protestantism
A three volume work by James A. Wylie that covers the beginnings of Christianity to the Reformation in Great Britain in 1688.
The History of the Reformation
A short history by R. C. Sproul
The Magisterial Reformation
A page of links to magisterial reformers such as Luther, Zwingli and Calvin, so called because their movements were supported by magistrates. The page also lists some of their works, critiques of them, a chronology and further links.
The Protestant Reformation
Links to primary Reformation texts. Compiled by the Hanover College History Department
The Protestant Reformation
An overview of the Reformation, from the early efforts to reform the Church from 1300 to 1500, the conditions for reform at the time, the leaders of the Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox)and the Anglican Revolution.
The Protestant Reformation Era
Links to excellent pre-reformation, reformation and post-reformation sites.
The Reformation
An excellent survey by Philip Schaff, covering the principles of the Reformation as well as an overview of the Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Scandinavia, England and Scotland.
The Reformation Guide
A detailed, well-organized links page.
Theological Perspectives of the Reformation
Traces development, history, and impact of the Reformation and counter-Reformation.
What Saith the Scripture: J. A. Wylie
Includes etext of "History of Protestantism, and biographical information.
What Started The Protestant Reformation?
An essay on the beginning of the Reformation, concentrating on Luther's reaction to the sale of indulgences and his developing the doctrine of justification by faith.