english deutsch
Music, Canterbury Shaker Village, Connecticut Cane and Reed Company, Hancock Shaker Village, IHAS - The Shakers, Mount Lebanon Shaker Village, National Gallery of Art - Shaker Crafts from the I, Religious Movements: Shakers, Sabbathday Lake, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Shaker Heritage Society
American Society of Church History
(for scholarly study of Christianity and American culture): Features organizational information, links, bulletin board.
Concordia Historical Institute
Department of Archives and History of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod: large archive of artifacts and information on American Lutheranism. Online catalog.
Divining America
Essays, teaching suggestions, and questions and answers for secondary school teachers teaching religious aspects of American history (from the National Humanities Center.)
Documenting the American South: The Church in the
Collection of e-texts and scholarly references.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: Family His
Chronology of significant dates in US and ELCA history.
Fire and Ice: Puritan History and Biography
Books and articles by and about notable Puritans.
Library of Congress: Religion and the Founding of
Companion to exhibition, including overview of the topic, illustrated with items from the exhibit.
Nathan Bangs: History of the Methodist Episcopal C
E-text at CCEL.
Oneida Community Collection in the Syracuse Univer
Collection of sources including links to online bibliographies, books, photos.
Proto-Pentecostal Time Line
Events that led to the birth of Pentecostalism.
Red White Blue & Brimstone
Online exhibit from the University of Virginia Library examines the Book of Revelation and millenarian thought in American culture.
Rev Elhanan Winchester, Patriot/Preacher
(Revolutionary War era) Sample writings: patriotic and religious.
Thomas Hooker
Biographical sketch; selections from "The Soul's Preparation for Christ" and "The Christian's Two Chief Lessons."
Timeline of U.S. Church History
Covers 1607 to 1989; includes some secular events and links.
United Methodist Church, General Commission on Arc
Official archives. Also includes suggestions for other church bodies studying or archiving historical data.