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Beyond the "Shades of Gray", Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality & Chris, Christian Encouragement for Exgays, Christianity and Homosexuality, Courage, Clarity, and Charity: A Phoenix Declarat, DayBreak, Deliver Ministries, Desert Stream Ministries, Ellen DeGeneres or Ellen The Degenerate?, Evergreen International
Addiction: The Pull of Porn, Escaping the Web of Temptation, Porn-Free, PornNoMore.com, Setting Captives Free, Sisters United Against Pornography
Daniel Trust Ministries
Biblical sexuality, paedophilia, and permissive society.
Hope and New Life Ministries
A Christ-centered educational and equipping ministry seeking to provide a redemptive response to sexual strugglers, their families, and the Church at large.
One By One
A PC USA ministry created to address the needs of those in conflict with their sexuality. Formed by Presbyterian pastors and lay leaders throughout the United States.
Pure Desire
Christian-based help for sexual addiction with books, seminars, and assistance to local churches.
Pure Intimacy
A resource for those struggling with sexual temptations, as well as for those who care about them.
Secret Motive
Information on lust. How to deal with it in a Christian walk and how can we control it.
Sexual Ethics and The New Testament
A survey of the different views held by Christians regarding issues such as dating, premarital sex, and masturbation. Also has resources for further study.
A Christian-based site offering information, support, and solutions to sexual addiction.
Stone Gate Resources
Resources to deal with the problems of sexual addiction, affairs, pornography, and sexual misconduct. Offers counseling, seminars and consulting.