english deutsch
A background and history of the Baha'i faith
Baha'i Faith, Its History & Teachings
An historical analysis by William Miller which sets out to refute the Baha'i Faith, and which supports Mirza Yahya as the rightful heir to the Bab. Contains a photograph of Baha'u'llah.
Baha'i World Faith
A summary of the Baha'i World Faith and a brief Christian response to its doctrines.
Ex-Baha'i Christian testimony and conversion stories. Over 80 links to Baha'i sects, texts, critics, controversies, Christian apologetics and more.
Breaking the Baha'i Code
A Christian approach to understanding and evangelizing Baha'is.
Coming New World Religion
The Baha'i Faith viewed as "New Age Communism" and a false doctrine. Christian perspective.
The Baha'i Faith: An Introduction for Evangel
A viewpoint on the Baha'i Faith written to address issues of interest to Christians.
The Fireside Letters
A Christian apologetic outreach opposing Baha'i theology and defending a historic Christian viewpoint.
The Religion of Baha'i
A view of the Baha'i religion from a Christian perspective; its origins, major beliefs, contrasts with Christianity, its organization and goals, and weaknesses.
Who Really Are the Baha'is?
Article critical of the Baha'i religion's history and methods.