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Analysis of Jack Chick
Critique of the scientific views espoused in Chick tracts.
Bootleg Chick Comics Theater
Two of the little Christian comics with running commentary, and another with all new word balloons.
Chick Tracts
Mozart Smozart and friend Frunkel comment on two of the little comic books.
Chyx Publications
Presenting "Dork Dungeons," a parody of "Dark Dungeons."
Comic-Book Theology: Unearthing famed Christian ar
Richard van Busack reviews a zine about the reclusive Chick. [Metroactive]
Don't Be Fooled By Jack T. Chick Tracts
Catholic apologetics site dedicated to setting straight the errors promoted by Jack Chick.
From the Mouth of Chick
Some small audio files of Jack speaking.
Interesting Ideas: Jack Chick
Ten theses on Jack Chick and his view of the world.
Jack Chick: Tracts for Every Occasion
Four-part article on what Wiccans should know about those little comic-book style tracts.
Jack T. Chick Museum of Fine Art
An online museum of Chick tracts, plus reviews, parodies, a guide to the imitators, and FAQs.
Jack T. Chick Obituary
Fake obituary imagines the comic book publisher ending his days in a Jesuit-run insane asylum, there to be bumped off by none other than "Dr." Alberto Rivera.
Jack T. Chick's Dark Dungeons
When the latest experiment accidentally gets returned to Blockbuster, the crew on the Satellite of Love are subjected to a Chick tract.
Jack T. Chick's Fairy Tales
Jack T. Chick has horrified young and old alike for decades. Feature story on the incendiary and homophobic little tracts. [Adult Christianity]
Morons.org: Jack Chick
A running commentary on "The Gay Blade."
The Asshole Uncle
A parody of the Jack Chick tract "The Nervous Witch."
The Jack T. Chick Parody Archive
Parodies of those little kooky Kristian Komic book tracts by Jack T. Chick.
The Wonderful World of Chick
Evangelizing through comic books, Jack Chick is the Walt Disney of paranoid fundamentalism.
This is Your Death
A parody of the Chick tract 'This Was Your Life'.