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A Wicca Primer, An Ex-Wiccan Speaks - Testimony of Donalyn Vaughn, CRAOM.net on Wicca, Ex-Witch Ministries, Goddesses and Wicca Worship, Good News for Witches, Out Of The Broom Closet - Witchcraft Today, Shelly Wift's Tips for Witnessing to Witches, The Born Again Pagan, The Modern World of Witchcraft
A Challenge to Pagans
Paganism, Wicca, Polytheism, Nature Worship religions challenged.
Banished From Mystic Wicks
Quite a few quality people have left or been pushed out of the Mystic Wicks online pagan community. This is one of them. This is her story.
Contender Ministries: Wicca
Christian rebuttal to Paganism.
Dangers of The New Age Movement
Discusses Wicca, Paganism, Freemasonry and New Age Beliefs.
Billing itself as a "Deliverance Manual," this site contains articles on a great variety of pagan topics.
Ex Pagan 4 Christ
Personal testimony of an ex-Pagan revealing his opinion of the satanic deception behind Paganism.
Goddesses and Witches: Liberation and Countercultu
Rosemary Reuther looks at the focus of feminism in modern neo-paganism.
How to Share the Gospel with Pagans
A popular article written by a Pagan who offers Christians some advice on how to witness to those in the Pagan community.
Neopaganism's Bewitching Charms
A detailed three part article from Christianity Today.
Neopaganism, Feminism, and the New Polytheism
Norman Geisler traces the origins and beliefs of modern Paganism.
Off Witchcraft!
"There are strongholds like this all around us today, bastions of darkness. Drugs is one, witchcraft another, homosexuality a third."
Rick Ross: Witches and Wicca
Articles on wicca, witchcraft, paganism, and shamanism.
Some Christian Observations on Paganism and Wicca
A Christian examination of some key issues relevant to Pagans and Wiccans.
The Ancient Root Of Pagan Error - Part 1 of 3
Traces the origins of modern Paganism.
Witches are Real People Too
A Christian pastor takes a look at American Neo-Paganism. Not antagonistic.