english deutsch
Cult of Unitarian Universalism
An analysis of the historical and current heresies of Unitarianism.
Examining the Unitarians
A Christian criticism of Unitarianism.
The Unitarian Heresy
by Aaron Hiller
The Unitarian/Universalist Cult
Expresses the view that the Unitarian/Universalist movement is a group of lost people trying to re-create that which Jesus has already fully given at the Cross.
Unitarian Universalism
Offers the view that Unitarian Universalism is incompatible with historical, biblical Christianity.
Unitarian Universalism
Expresses the view that Unitarian Universalism is church without a creed that espouses Buddhism, Paganism, and Satanism as readily as Christianity.
Unitarian Universalists - Christian or Cult?
Views of Biblical Discernment Ministries claiming that the UUs deny almost every doctrine of the Christian faith, and have replaced the worship of God with a worship of self, teaching that human reason and experience take precedence over the Word of God.
What is Unitarianism?
Offers the opinion that Unitarian universalists use many biblical concepts and terms but with non-biblical meanings and that the religion is not Christian.