english deutsch
9:05, Mark J. Musante: 9:05, SPAG Review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Aayela, Review by Paul O'Brien, SPAG Reviews
Ad Verbum
Ad Verbum, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Ad Verbum, iFiction: Ad Verbum, Nord and Bert with Attitude, SPAG Reviews
A-code Adventures and some adventure history, Adventure server, Colossal Cave Adventure Forum, Colossal Cave Adventure page, The, Colossal Cave Mazes, David Tanguay's Review, Delphi: Colossal Cave Adventure forum, Gamez.com: Colossal Cave, Matthew Murray's Review, Prof. Dennis G. Jerz: Colossal Cave Adventure
Africa Gardens
Africa Gardens - review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Aisle, iFiction: Aisle, SPAG Review
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Amazon, Underdogs: Amazon
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Anchorhead, Brass Lantern: Anchorhead Review, iFiction: Anchorhead, SPAG Review, XYZZYnews Review
And the Waves Choke the Wind
And the Waves Choke the Wind, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: And the Waves , SPAG Review
Arrival, or Attack of the B-Movie Clich+®s
Arrival, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Arrival, SPAG Review
Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur
Gamer's Hell, Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Arthur, Infocom Homepage: Arthur, The Infocom Gallery: Arthur
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Asylum
Augmented Fourth
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Augmented Four, IF-Review: An Undiminished Chord, SPAG Review
Adams, Scott, Atkins, Robert Wayne, Bates, Bob, Berlyn, Michael, Blank, Marc, Cadre, Adam, Cannibal, Finley, Ian, Galley, Stu, Granade, Stephen
Axe of Kolt, The
Your Sinclair: The Axe of Kolt
Aztec Assault
Aztec Assault - review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, feelies.org: Babel, Home of the Underdogs: Babel, SPAG Reviews
Bad Machine
Archived r.a.i-f discussion, Bad Machine, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, IF-Review: Deus Ex Machine
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Ballyhoo, MobyGames: Ballyhoo, New Zork Times: Now Introducing... Ballyhoo, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Ballyhoo
Balrog and the Cat, The
Your Sinclair: The Balrog and the Cat
Barsak the Dwarf
Barsak the Dwarf - review
Beast, The
Your Sinclair: The Beast
Behind Closed Doors Series
Your Sinclair: Behind Closed Doors III
Big Sleaze, The
Crash: Big Sleaze, Your Sinclair: The Big Sleaze
Blade of Blackpoole
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Blade of Black, Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe: Blade of Blackpoole
Blue Chairs
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Blue Chairs, SPAG Review
Boggit, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Boggit, Tolkien Computer Games: The Boggit
Border Zone
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Border Zone, MobyGames: Border Zone, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Review, The Infocom Gallery: Border Zone
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Break-In, SPAG Review
MobyGames: Breakers, Underdogs: Breakers
MobyGames: Brimstone, Underdogs: Brimstone
Bulbo and the Lizard King
Tolkien computer games: Bulbo and the Lizard King
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Bureaucracy, Infocom Homepage: Bureaucracy, MobyGames: Bureaucracy, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Review, Status Line: Douglas Adams' Bureaucracy, The Infocom Gallery: Bureaucracy
Calling, The
Your Sinclair: The Calling
Captain Kook
Your Sinclair: Captain Kook
Castle Eeeerie
Your Sinclair: Castle Eeeerie
Castle Thade Revisited
Your Sinclair: Castle Thade Revisited
Change in the Weather, A
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: A Change in th, Review by Gareth Rees, SPAG Reviews, Zarfhome: A Change in the Weather
About "Christminster", Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Christminster, Christminster, XYZZYnews Review
City of Secrets
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, City of Secrets, feelies.org, Home of the Underdogs Review, IF-Review: Life In The Big City
Common Ground
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Common Ground, Brass Lantern: Common Ground Reviews, Common Ground, IF-Review: On Common Ground, Review by Mark J. Musante, SPAG Review
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: Corruption, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: Corruption
Crack City
Crack City - review
Critical Mass
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Critical Mass
Archived r.a.i-f discussion, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Crobe
Crystal of Chantie, The
Your Sinclair: The Crystal of Chantie
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Curses!, SPAG Reviews, XYZZYnews Review
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Cutthroats, Infocom Homepage: Cutthroats, MobyGames: Cutthroats, New Zork Times: You're About to Get Yourself , Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Cutthroats
Dallas Quest, The
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: The Dallas Que
Dark Tower, The
Your Sinclair: The Dark Tower
Darkside Series
Your Sinclair: Shadows Of The Past, YS: The Devil's Hand
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Deadline, Infocom Homepage: Deadline, Matthew Murray: Deadline, The Infocom Gallery: Deadline
Deadly Mission
Your Sinclair: Deadly Mission
Death in the Caribbean
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Death in the C
Death or Glory
Your Sinclair: Death Or Glory (DWA)
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Delusions, SPAG Reviews
Design and Development
Authoring Systems, Brass Lantern Interactive Fiction Theory, Choosing a Text Adventure Language, Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer, Exposition in Interactive Fiction, Feelies.org, IF Collaborators List, Interactive Fiction and the Future of the Novel, Interactive Fiction Page, NPC Characterization, OnyxRing
Djinni Chronicles, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Djinni Chr, iFiction: The Djinni Chronicles, Review by Paul O'Brien, SPAG Review, Tril's Y2000 IF Competition Reviews
Door Series
Your Sinclair: Six-In-One
Baf's Guide to the Interactive Fiction Archiv, Help! Where do I download Interactive Fiction stu, Interactive Fiction Archive Mirror, Interactive Fiction Starter's Kits, The Z-Files
Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I.
MobyGames: Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. (1988, MobyGames: Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. (1999, XYZZYnews Review
Dungeons of Dunjin, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Dungeons o, SPAG Reviews
Edifice, The
'Edifice' Reviews, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Edifice, SPAG Reviews, XYZZYnews: Parlez-Vous Nalian?
Emerald Isle
Emerald Isle - review
Eric the Unready
Matthew Murray's Review, Quandary Review, Unofficial Legend: Eric the Unready
MobyGames: Essex, Underdogs: Essex
Fahrenheit 451
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Fahrenheit 451, Underdogs: Fahrenheit 451
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Fail-Safe, IF-Review: Don't Put Me On Hold, SPAG Reviews
Fantasia Diamond
Crash: Fantasia Diamond, Sinclair User: Fantasia Diamond
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: Fish!, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: Fish!, Your Sinclair Review
Fistful of Blood Capsules, A
Your Sinclair: A Fistful of Blood Capsules
Five on a Treasure Island
Your Sinclair Review
For a Change
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: For a Change, iFiction: For a Change, SPAG Reviews: For a Change, Trotting Krips Review
Forgotten City
Your Sinclair: Forgotten City
Forgotten Past, The
Your Sinclair: The Forgotten Past
Fraktured Faebles
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Fraktured Faeb
Fuddo and Slam
Your Sinclair Review
Annotated 'Galatea' (Emily Short), Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Galatea, Emily Short: Galatea, IF-Review: Dreams, Hubris, and Getting Away with B, iFiction: Galatea, SPAG Review
Gateway Series
Frederik Pohl's Gateway, Gateway II - Homeworld
Gerbil Riot of '67, The
World of Spectrum: Gerbil Riot of '67, Your Sinclair Review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Glowgrass, IF-Review: A Brief Flash, SPAG Review, The Ether Frame: Trophy Room
Gnome Ranger Series
eZine X: Gnome Ranger, Your Sinclair Review: Gnome Ranger, Your Sinclair: Ingrid's Back!
Gordello Incident, The
Your Sinclair: Gordello's Demise, Your Sinclair: The Gordello Incident
Gruds in Space
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Gruds in Space
Guild of Thieves, The
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: The Guild of Thieves, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: The Guild of Thie, Your Sinclair Review
Hermitage, The
Your Sinclair: The Hermitage
Heroine's Mantle
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, Brass Lantern Craxton Heroine's Mantle Review, In a Most Curious Mantle, SPAG Review
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
Adventure Collective review, BBC Interview with Steve Meretzky, DouglasAdams.com: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to , Infocom Games: Hitchhiker's Guide, Infocom Homepage: HGttG, New Zork Times: Don't Panic, Radio 4 Revives Hitchhiker's Game, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Infocom Gallery: The Hitchhiker's Guide t, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
Hollywood Hijinx
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Hollywood Hijinx, MobyGames: Hollywood Hijinx, Review by Matthew Murray, Status Line: Soon To Be A Major Interactive Story., The Infocom Gallery: Hollywood Hijinx
Hulk, The
The Hulk - review
Hunter, in Darkness
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Hunter, in Dar, iFiction: Hunter, in Darkness, SPAG Review, Zarfhome: Hunter, in Darkness
AdamCadre.ac: Games, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: I-0, XYZZYnews Review
Electronic Games Review, Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Infidel, MobyGames: Infidel, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Review, The Infocom Gallery: Infidel (gray box)
Inspector Flukeit
Your Sinclair: Inspector Flukeit
Institute, The
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: The Institute
TADS, Z-Machine, How to play Interactive Fiction and Text Adventure, Kronos, Magnetic
Into The Mystic
Your Sinclair: Into The Mystic
Invaders From Planet X
Your Sinclair: Invaders From Planet X
Jacaranda Jim
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Jacaranda Jim, Jacaranda Jim
James Clavell's Shogun
Infocom Games: Shogun, Infocom Homepage: Shogun, MobyGames: Shogun, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Shogun
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Jigsaw, Review by Gareth Rees, XYZZYnews Review, XYZZYnews: On Jigsaw and "I"
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: Jinxter, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: Jinxter, Your Sinclair Review
John's Fire Witch
Archived r.a.i-f discussion, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: John's Fi, SPAG Reviews, XYZZYnews Review
Journey - The Quest Begins
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Journey, MobyGames: Journey, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Journey
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Kaged, feelies.org: Kaged, Home of the Underdogs: Kaged, SPAG Reviews
Karyssia, Queen of Diamonds
Your Sinclair: Karyssia, Queen of Diamonds
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Kentilla, Kentilla - review, Mastertronic 1.99 Range: Kentilla
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Klaustrophobia, Underdogs: Klaustrophobia, XYZZYnews Review
Knight Orc
Knight Orc Home Page, Level 9 Memorial: Knight Orc, MobyGames: Knight Orc, Underdogs: Knight Orc
Labours of Hercules, The
Your Sinclair: The Labours of Hercules
Lamberley Mystery, The
Your Sinclair: The Lamberley Mystery
Level 9 Memorial: Lancelot, Underdogs: Lancelot, Your Sinclair Review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: LASH, Brass Lantern: LASH Reviews, IF-Review: Eyeing the LASH, LASH, SPAG Review
Leather Goddesses of Phobos
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Leather Goddesses of Phobos, Matthew Murray's Capsule Review, ST User Review, Status Line: LGoP: "Hitchhiker's Guide w, The Infocom Gallery: Leather Goddesses of Phobos
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Leaves, SPAG Review
Legacy for Alaric, A
The Tipshop: Legacy For Alaric
Lethe Flow Phoenix
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Lethe Flow Pho, IF-Review: A Dream of Lethe, Review by Gareth Rees, XYZZYnews Review
Your Sinclair Review
Light, The - Shelby's Addendum
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Light, IF-Criticism: The Light, XYZZYnews: Shelby's Addendum
Little Blue Men
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Little Blue Me, iFiction: Little Blue Men, SPAG Review
Losing Your Grip
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Losing Your Gr, Brass Lantern: Goodbye Losing Your Grip, IF Bookclub Interview with Stephen Granade, IF-Review: Getting a Grip on LYG, Losing Your Grip, SPAG Review
Lost Dragon, The
Your Sinclair Review
Lost New York
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Lost New York, IF-Review: Puzzles vs. History, XYZZYnews Review
Lost Ruby, The
Your Sinclair: The Lost Ruby
Lost Tomb of Ananka, The
Your Sinclair Review
Lost Treasures of Infocom 2, The
MobyGames: The Lost Treasures of Infocom 2
Lost Treasures of Infocom, The
MobyGames: The Lost Treasures of Infocom
Lurking Horror, The
Capsule Review by Matthew Murray, Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Lurking Horror, Infocom Homepage: The Lurking Horror, Status Line: Is It GUE Tech or MIT? Dave Lebling E, Status Line: The Lurking Horror and Stationfall, The Infocom Gallery: The Lurking Horror
Magic Castle
Magic Castle - review
Mapper, The
Your Sinclair: The Mapper
Mask of the Sun, The
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: The Mask of th, The Mask of the Sun
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Masquerade
Masterpieces of Infocom, The
Game Revolution Review, MobyGames: Classic Text Adventure Masterpieces, Where to Buy Infocom Games
Annotated Online 'Metamorphoses', Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Metamorphoses, Emily Short: Metamorphoses, iFiction: Metamorphoses, Review by Duncan Stevens, Review by Paul O'Brien, Tril's Y2000 IF Competition Reviews: Metamorp
Meteor, the Stone, and a Long Glass of Sherbet, Th
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Meteor..., iFiction: The Meteor..., SPAG Reviews, Zarf's Reviews: IF Competition 1996
Microfair Madness
Your Sinclair: Microfair Madness
Mind Electric, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, Criticism, SPAG Reviews
Mind Forever Voyaging, A
GameSpot's TenSpot: The Ten Best Endings, Infocom Homepage: A Mind Forever Voyaging, New Zork Times: New Release: A Mind Forever Voyagi, Review by Adam Cadre, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Reviews, The Infocom Gallery: A Mind Forever Voyaging
Crash Review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Mindfighter, Your Sinclair: Mindfighter
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Mindshadow, Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Mindshadow
GamesOver: Mindwheel, GAMEZ.com, MobyGames - Mindwheel, Underdogs: Mindwheel
Miser, The
Your Sinclair Review
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Moonmist, Infocom Homepage: Moonmist, MobyGames: Moonmist, Review by Matthew Murray, Status Line: Moonmist: Get Ready to Spend a Night , The Infocom Gallery: Moonmist
Mulldoon Legacy, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Mulldoon L, iFiction: The Mulldoon Legacy, SPAG Review
Murder He Said
Murder He Said - review
My Angel
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: My Angel, iFiction: My Angel, SPAG Review
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: Myth, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: Myth
Night at the Museum Forever, A
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: A Night at the, IF-Criticism: A Night at the Museum Forever
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Nord and Bert, MobyGames: Nord and Bert, Review by Matthew Murray, Status Line: Nord and Bert: Pick a Peck of Pickled, The Infocom Gallery: Nord and Bert
Once and Future
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Once and Futur, Review by J. Robinson Wheeler
One Dark Night
Your Sinclair: One Dark Night
One That Got Away, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The One That G, IF-Criticism: The One That Got Away
Operation Series
Your Sinclair: Operation Berlin
Pawn, The
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: The Pawn, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: The Pawn, YSRnRY Review
Perry Mason - The Case of the Mandarin Murder
MobyGames: Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin M, Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Perry Mason - , Underdogs: Perry Mason: Case of The Mandarin Murde
Persistence of Memory
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Persistence of, SPAG Reviews
Your Sinclair Review
AdamCadre.ac: Games, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Photopia, Review by Andrew Plotkin, SPAG Reviews, XYZZYnews Review
iFiction - Pintown
Adventure Collective Review, Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Planetfall, Infocom Homepage: Planetfall, Matthew Murray's Capsule Review, MobyGames: Planetfall, The Infocom Gallery: Planetfall
Plundered Hearts
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Plundered Hearts, MobyGames: Plundered Hearts, Review by Matthew Murray, ST-Log Review, Status Line: Infocom's First Romance, Status Line: Peril & Passion in Plundered Hear, The Infocom Gallery: Plundered Hearts, XYZZYnews: Romancing the Genre
Pytho's Mask
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Pytho's M, Emily Short: Pytho's Mask, IF-Review: Smooching 101
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Rameses, iFiction: Rameses, Review by Andrew Plotkin, Review by Paul O'Brien, SPAG Reviews, Tril's Y2000 IF Competition Reviews: Rameses
Red Moon
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Red Moon, Crash Review
Crash Review, World of Spectrum: Red Hawk
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Rematch, IF-Review: Care For Another?, Rematch, SPAG Review
Rendezvous with Rama
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: Rendezvous wit, Underdogs: Rendezvous with Rama
Savage Island
Your Sinclair: Savage Island
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, feelies.org: Savoir-Faire, Home of the Underdogs Review, IF-Review: Fait Accompli, Savoir-Faire, Savoir-Faire by Emily Short, SPAG Review
Level 9 Memorial: Scapeghost, Your Sinclair: Scapeghost
Scary Mansion
Your Sinclair: Scary Mansion
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Seastalker, MobyGames: Seastalker, New Zork Times: Infocom Introduces Seastalker, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Seastalker
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole - review
Serpent's Star, The
Stephan's Retrocomputing Site: The Serpent&ap
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Shade, iFiction: Shade, Review by Paul O'Brien, Shade - Solution, SPAG Review, Tril's Y2000 IF Competition Reviews: Shade, Zarfhome: Shade
Crash Review, Sherlock
Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Sherlock, MobyGames: Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewel, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Sherlock
World of Spectrum: Silverwolf, Your Sinclair Review
Slouching Towards Bedlam
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive, SPAG Review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Snowball, Crash Review
So Far
'Invisiclues' for 'So Far', Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: So Far, IF-Review: A Step, Joe Mason on So Far, SPAG Reviews, Zarfhome: So Far
Soap Land
Your Sinclair: Soap Land
Spellcasting 101 Series
Spellcasting 101 - Sorcerers Get All the Girls, Spellcasting 201 - The Sorcerer's Appliance, Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break
Spider and Web
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Spider and Web, IF-Review: A Game Untangled, Review by Ian Finley, SPAG Reviews, XYZZYnews Review, Zarfhome: Spider and Web
CRASH Magazine: Spider-Man
Archived r.a.i-f discussion, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Spiritwrak, SPAG Review, XYZZYnews Review
Spyplane - review
Star-Wreck - review
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Starcross, Infocom Homepage: Starcross, MobyGames: Starcross, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Starcross
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Stationfall, Matthew Murray's Capsule Review, MobyGames: Stationfall, SPAG Review, Status Line: The Lurking Horror and Stationfall, The Infocom Gallery: Stationfall
Sunset Over Savannah
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Sunset Over Sa, SPAG Review
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Suspect, MobyGames: Suspect, New Zork Times: Infocom Introduces Suspect, Review by Matthew Murray, The Infocom Gallery: Suspect
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Games: Suspended, Infocom Homepage: Suspended, MobyGames: Suspended, New Zork Times: Infocom Announces New Science-Fict, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Review, The Infocom Gallery: Suspended (gray box), The Infocom Gallery: Suspended Mask
Sylenius Mysterium
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Sylenius Myste, SPAG Review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Symetry
Tempest, The - 1997
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Tempest, iFiction: The Tempest, SPAG Reviews, Tasking Ariel in Graham Nelson's The Tempest
Terrormolinos - review
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Theatre, IF-Criticism: Theatre
Time and Magik
Your Sinclair: Time And Magik
Matthew Murray's Review, Unofficial Legend: Timequest
Tolkien Series, The
Crack of Doom, The, Fellowship of the Ring, The, Hobbit, The, Shadows of Mordor, The, Tolkien Computer Games: The Tolkien Software Adven
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Toonesia, Review by Gareth Rees
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: Trinity, MobyGames: Trinity, New Zork Times: Trinity: A Nuclear Time Warp, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Reviews: Trinity, The Infocom Gallery: Trinity
Uncle Zebulon's Will
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Uncle Zebulon&, Review by Gareth Rees, What happened to the sequel to "Zebulon"
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Undertow, Review by Gareth Rees
AdamCadre.ac: Games, Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Varicella, iFiction: Varicella, SPAG Review
Violator of Voodoo, The
Your Sinclair Review
Wearing the Claw
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Wearing the Cl, SPAG Reviews, Wearing the Claw
White Feather Cloak, The
Your Sinclair Review
Winchester's Nightmare
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Winchester&apo, Review by Andrew Pontious, SPAG Review, Winchester's Nightmare
Witch Hunt
Your Sinclair: Witch Hunt
Witness, The
Infocom Documentation Project, Infocom Homepage: The Witness, New Zork Times: How The Witness Came to Be, New Zork Times: Witness, Review by Matthew Murray, SPAG Reviews: The Witness, The Infocom Gallery: The Witness
Wizard of Akryz, The
Andy's Adventure Archive: The Wizard of Akryz
Magnetic Scrolls Memorial: Wonderland, The Magnetic Scrolls Chronicles: Wonderland
Worlds Apart
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: Worlds Apart, Brass Lantern Emily Short Worlds Apart Review, Brass Lantern Sam Barlow Review, IF-Review: Casting a Critical Eye, Worlds Apart
Zogan's Revenge
Your Sinclair: Zogan's Revenge
Zuni Doll, The
Baf's Guide to the IF Archive: The Zuni Doll, SPAG Review
Paul O'Brian's Interactive Fiction page, featuring the games and reviews he's written, information about the webzine he edits, and lots of nifty IF stuff.
8-bit Adventure World, The
A database of adventures for 8-bit computers.
Annotated Bibliography of Interactive Fiction Scho
Ranked and annotated items, covering academic articles, fan or community web sites, influential amateur articles, and references to text adventures in mainstream literature. Focuses on the cultural and literary significance of text adventures.
El Page del Adam
Site contains some general information about text adventure games, and games that can be downloaded or play the Java version of the game online.
Guess the Verb
Humorous text adventure by Crummycom.
IF Literacy
Recommended playing list for interactive fiction, compiled by Emily Short.
ifMUD: A MUD Forever Voyaging
A MUD for text adventure enthusiasts.
Interactive Fiction
IF stuff in general.
Interactive Fiction - Joe DeRouen's Home Page
Collection of game reviews he wrote for Computer Currents magazine, and selected links to IF resources.
Interactive Fiction Art Show
Annual competition for games which exclude traditional "game elements" from entries, and also try to lift any plot as much as possible.
Interactive Fiction Basement
Information and tutorials.
Interactive Fiction Hall of Shame
Photos of the denizens of ifMUD and r.a.i-f.
Interactive Fiction Ratings
Public ratings and comments of Interactive Fiction games.
Interactive Fiction Review Conspiracy
A place for authors and reviwers to meet.
Maze of twisty Web pages, all alike.
An online index of the Interactive Fiction FTP archive, a rec.arts.int-fiction archive, and a research library for topics in game design.
PDD's Adventure Page
The page for classic text adventure afficionados. Covers Scott Adams, Brian Howarth, Infocom, Level 9, and Magnetic Scrolls.
Prof. Dennis G. Jerz: Interactive Fiction
A collection of articles about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.int-fiction Frequently Asked Questions
General information for people new to interactive fiction.
Rising From Time's Ashes: The Best Free Inte
Michael Feir's collection of what he feels is the best freely available interactive fiction with reviews for each game.
Suite101.com: Interactive Fiction
Articles, discussion and links.
The IF Beta Site Info Page
Offers a place where testers and authors can meet each other.
The Official YS Beginners Guide To Adventures
How to play an adventure, how to know which commands to type in, and all those little bits and pieces that'll help you get past the first post.
The TextFire Hoax
Information about a set of games suddenly posted in the community that had suspicious origins.
Ye Olde Infocomme Shoppe
Lots of classic 1980s computer software for sale/trade, specializing in Infocom text adventures. Monthly collector's column, waiting list, links to other software collectors' pages.