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Adbusters, Blacklist of Internet Advertisers, Campaign chops at billboards, Chicago bans alcohol billboards, Citizens Against Ugly Street Spam (CAUSS), Didn't I Already Pay for this Movie?, Internet Junkbusters, Junkbusters, Subvertise
Critical Commentary
And now, a turd from our sponsors, Eradicating the Stain, How does wealth influence the mass media?, How powerful is advertising?, PopCultures on advertising, Return of the hidden persuaders - part one, Return of the hidden persuaders - part three, Return of the hidden persuaders - part two, Salon.com: The Name Game, Stay Free!
A new way to spend money, High stakes in cyberspace, Madness with a mission, Network Advertising Initiative, On Internet Privacy and Profiling, Opt-Out, Privacy Online, Profiling via e-mail cookies, Profits and privacy, Push or shove?
Gender Issues
Advertising and the voice of authority - men have , Authority and TV ads, Calvin Klein's real people, Madison Avenue versus The Feminine Mystique, Shift in women's sports advertising, The armored knight of the 20th century, What kind of mother are you?
Insider Perspectives
Brand personality, Branding and Bonding Beyond the Banner, Confessions of an undercover drink fink, Feelings Evoked by Warm, Erotic, Humorous or Non-E, Give your brand in marriage, Keeping up with the Jonesness, Lexicon Branding, Inc., Propagandium.com, Ruth Shalit - Salon column, Semiotic Solutions - Cultural Creativity - Home
Kids and Advertising
Advertising in the Media, BADvertising: Honest Tobacco Advertising, Commercial Alert, Electric Snow: TV in Our Time, Kids and Commercialism, Liquid Candy: How soft drinks are harming American, Selling America's Kids: Commercial Pressures, Shrinks and Con Men, Stop Commercial Exploitation of Children, Target Market
Media Literacy
Brand-stretching, Call to distraction, Enlightenment to go, Gandhi was no pitchman, Getting dirty, Labor, patriotism, and Michael Jordan in a Nike ad, let's English!, Malt liquor marketing to Latinos, Smoke gets in your eyes, Talk dirty to me, Nike
Political Advertising
Channeling influence, Effectiveness of negative political advertising, Issue Advertising 1999-2000, Political advertising articles and papers, Tired of negative political campaigns?
Media and society video list
Commercial Advertising in China
Image Archive of Chinese Outdoor Commercial Advertising, 1997-1998.
Communication Studies: Advertising
Annotated web links and information about advertising from University of Iowa.
International Data on Advertising
Regularly updated data concerning the largest, multinational advertising firms and programs.
Joe Camel Issues
Opinions before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) concerning Tobacco Advertising, and commercial Free Speech in General.
Proposal to Clarify Internet Ads
Federal Trade Commission paper.
Weight Loss Products and Programs
Federal Trade Commission tackles the problem of advertising what can or can not be delivered.