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A Brief History of the Modern American Creation Mo, Biblical Classification of Life, Center for Scientific Creation, In Six Days, Moses Didn't Write About Creation, Science That Backs Up the Bible, The Arky Book and Media Store, The Theory of Creation, World's Greatest Creation Scientists from Y1K
Catastrophic Flood Dynamic Database, Center for Scientific Creation, Comets, Meteors, and Myths, Drumlins and Diluvial Currents, Institute for Creation Research: Catastrophism, Mount St. Helens And Catastrophism, Problems in the Glacial Theory, The Global Flood - Catastrophic Plate Tectonics, Waters of Noah
Chats and Forums
Creation Talk, EvC Forum: Creation versus Evolution, Evolution Forum on CARM.ORG Discussion Board, In the Beginning God Created Forum
Creation vs Evolution
16 Errors in Evolutionary Theory, A Summary of Creation Evolution Issues, Article Database - Jonathan Wells - Inherit The Sp, CARM: Evolution Debate Archive, Creationism, Defend Your Faith, DrDino.com - Creation Science Evangelism, Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved, In The Beginning God Created the Heaven and the Ea, Insects Bug Evolutionism
Creation Concept Links, Creation Science Resource, Creationism Connection, Internet Center for Creation Science
Creationism and the Early Church, The Account of the Flood
Intelligent Design
Personal Pages, An Introduction to Intelligent Design Theory, Are You Here by Intelligent Design?, Boundless: The Meaning of Intelligent Design, Case for a Creator ; Lee Strobel, Cherithbrook Biblical Worldview, Creation and Theistic Evolution, Darwin's Black Box, by Michael Behe, Discovery Institute - Center for the Renewal of Sc, Evidence for a Designed Universe, Genesis, Evolution, Natural Selection
Old Earth Views
Affiliation of Christian Geologists - Essays, Age Evidences, Answers In Creation, Christian Geology: Science and Scripture, Creationism vs. Evolution, DWise1's Creation/Evolution Pages: Steven Sch, Genesis, Science, Cosmology, God, Genesis and the Big Bang, In This Place, Lord I Believe
Personal Pages
Abraham, Binny V - Creationism, Dr. Robert A. Herrmann's General Web Site, God and the Greatest Scientist
Young Earth Views
Biblical Evidence, Dinosaurs, Education, Personal Pages, 17 Evidences Against Evolution, A Case For Creation, Amazing Creations, Answers in Genesis, Awesome Works, Barry Setterfield: Research Library, Biblical Creation Society, Coalition of Christians for Biblical Creation, Creation Discovery Project, Creation Evidence
A Brief History of the Modern American Creation Mo
Article by Jerry Bergman, originally published in Contra Mundum No. 7 Spring 1993.
A Created Solar System
Earth-Moon cycles and their relationship to creation, slowing spin of the earth, created time.
Accuracy in Genesis
Offers perspectives which set out to be affirming of the scriptural Genesis record. Biblical accounts with detailed comment.
Bible Physics
Examines the relationship between science and religion from the perspectives of physics, mathematics, astronomy and cosmology. Flash intro may be skipped.
Christian Reform Ministry
Site stressing the importance of religious tolerance, dealing with current social issues, creationism and integration of science with Biblical practice.
Creation Science
Resources related to the study of origins and science from a creationist perspective; the problems of molecules to men and evolution/naturalism. Collected by a group of engineers and professionals with graduate degrees, largely in Computer Science.
Creation Science Resource
An Internet resource providing a comprehensive link directory to all known creation science related sites. It also features a bulletin board of current news, and a chat room for live discussion.
Creation Scientists
Find the degrees and accomplishments of leading creation scientists in biology, physics, geology and astronomy.
Dinosaurs, fossils, evolution, creation, the Flood, and our ancient history are all topics of interest here. Site is translated into several languages.
Evolving Implications
Article by Michael Spielman outlines the social implications of evolutionary principles.
Institute for Creation Research
Searchable site offers scientific research papers, archives of two newsletters -- Acts and Facts, Back to Genesis -- as well as audio archives of years of weekly radio programs.
Molecular History Research Center
Conducting creation research in molecular biological issues. The MHRC is researching possible explanations for the formation of similar unprocessed pseudo genes found in different species such as man and chimpanzee.
Organic Evolution, A Pagan Religion
Evolution discussed along with,creation,science and the Bible,the missing link,transmutation,pagan religion,creation vs. evolution and other aspects of this raging debate. A Christian tract on evolution.
Polonium Halos: Evidence for Earth's Instant
Robert V. Gentry (Earth Science Associates) sees the polonium halos in granite as evidence for a young earth.
Stars of Light
Discussion of scientific methods and their reliability.
The Creation Science Association for Mid-America
Aimed at educating people regarding the vast amount of scientific evidence that supports Biblical Creation as the true account of origins.
The Revolution Against Evolution
Dozens of essays, as well as a FAQ, bookstore, videos, five online books, as well as an Internet Correspondence Course sponsored by Mount Hope Bible Training Institute.
The Y Files
The truth is stranger than fiction. Lively creationist site that examines phenomena to which standard science has no good answers.
Truth Cannot Contradict Truth
Pope John Paul II's statement about evolution and faith, on October 22, 1996, to the Pontifical Academy of Science. How God's revealed truth can be harmonized with scientifically observed truth.
World Wide Christian Web
Scientific and logical evidence for a Creator God and the truth of Christianity.